Sunday, September 8, 2013

Cougar Communication, Sept 9

Cougar Communication

Excellence in Education: Passion
In conducting candidate interviews, I’m always looking for passionate teachers. Students want teachers who make class engaging, interesting and fun (click here for more on what our students want from their teachers). Teachers want peers who are committed and positive. 

Passion can, of course, manifest itself in many ways.

This past week, I was fortunate to see many examples of enthusiasm and passion. A partial listing:
·      Mr. Christian taking the time to high-five each of his students prior to a quiz, knowing each student was going to pass the quiz.
·      Ms. Nosal telling everyone about her final obligation on her PhD dissertation.  
·      Mr. Wilson overreacting (a good thing) with great theatrical skill about his own error.
·      Ms. Allen having fun with her students, laughing and joking along with them.

As you can see, passion manifests itself in many ways.
·      When someone asks you how your day is, say you’re having a great day!
·      Saying “hi” to and carrying on a brief conversation with every student as they enter your classroom.
·      Creating engaging lessons that draw students in like a moth to a flame
·      Going out of their way to ensure that a student feels safe, respected, and loved
·      Striving to create a life-changing experience for all your students

All passionate teachers:
·      thrive on interacting with students and peers.
·      know how they come across and how others are receiving them.
·      believe in each child; realizing that every student needs a champion.

The best teachers are the ones who communicate their passion for the subject and for their profession to their peers and their students.

BYOD Ideas for the Classroom: Socrative
Socrative is one my favorites. It’s a student response system that can be used on tablets, smartphones and laptops. Students can either visit the class specific website or download the Socrative app.

It’s simple to setup and just as easy to use.  And yes, it’s free.

Ways it can be used:
1.     Anonymous Formative Assessments, Bell Ringers, Question-Answer, Exit Activities
Using the single question option, Socrative allows teachers to verbally ask questions and students answer the questions anonymously. Questions can be multiple-choice, true-false or short answer.
2.     Quizzes
By selecting Quiz-Based Activities, teachers can create quizzes. Unlike the above, the teacher pre-enters the questions, which can include visuals, so students see the question(s). Feedback is immediate for both the student and the teacher.
3.     Group Quiz
Socrative offers several games and various options that go beyond the above. One is called SpaceRace. Teams of students answer questions; each correct answer moves the rocket closer to the finish line. This is a great option for when a lot of students don’t have devices.
4.     Back Channel
A back channel is a virtual room where students can pose questions or comments regarding the material being presented as it is being presented. Two good sites/apps for backchannels are Padlet and TodaysMeet. By using the Short Answer section of Socrative students can enter their own questions or comments during a presentation, lab, or lecture. One of the big advantages of backchanneling is that students who may be reluctant to participate in a traditional class setting, will be more likely to participate behind the scenes.

Finally, Socrative continues to expand and improve its offerings.

Administrative Notes
Teachers on the comprehensive cycle, please remember that your goals are due by Friday. If you need further assistance, please let me know.

Offer—PLEASE take me up on this: I want to be in your classroom and help out. I need to stay connected to what it means to be a teacher. So, if the opportunity presents itself, please let me be your sub, guest teacher, whatever. We can even turn the tables and you—or anyone else—can observe me.

Tweet of the Week

Upcoming Schedule
September 9th         Field Hockey @ Liberty 5:30 Varsity only
                                Golf @ Prince William vs. Patriot 3:30
                                 Volleyball @ Handley 6/7
                                JV Football vs. Millbrook 6:00
September 10th       Volleyball vs. Spotsylvania 6/7
September 11th       Cross Country @ Nokesville Park 5:00
September 12th        Volleyball @ James Monroe 6:30 Varsity only
                                 Field Hockey vs. Spotsylvania 4:30/6:00

September 13th        Varsity Football @ Millbrook 7:00
September 14th        Cross Country @ Kernstown 9:00 am

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