Sunday, March 22, 2015

Sharing Rubics and Models, Buncee

Cougar Communication

Excellence in Education: Sharing Criteria (Rubrics) and Models
As a teacher I was sometimes reluctant to share students models of excellent work for fear that they would simply copy the previous work. Truthfully little thought went into this poor decision and eventually I saw the light and shared student work from previous terms. I used the student work to demonstrate various performance levels by comparing it to the rubric (or having students evaluate it with the rubric). Recently, I’ve seen several teacher do a much better job than I ever did by using the same student examples and the criteria throughout the unit to help students better understand high-quality work.

Doing so benefits the students and learning. Even the best-written rubric may not be clearly understood by students. By sharing the rubric and work examples, students are more likely to know the desired criteria and will be able to set goals for their work. It takes the guessing out of the work, allows students to self-assess and will ultimately rid the teacher of having a student exclaim, “I don’t understand why I only got a B on this project.”

Tech in Education: Buncee
Buncee is a web-based creation tool that allows teachers and students to incorporate multimedia onto a shareable digital canvas.

  1. It allows you to record audio straight into the canvas or alternatively you can upload it.
  2. Easily embed links to other sites
  3. You can add multiple canvases (slides)
  4. Works great with YouTube videos
  5. Simple interface and use
  6. You share your canvases through Social Media posts or email
  7. Integrates well with Social Media, so you can add/upload from Social Medi

Possible uses:
  1. Student or teacher presentation
  2. Using it to flip your lesson with lots of multimedia
  3. You can create a teacher dashboard which enables you to add students and to submit work to your Buncee Dashboard. Doing so creates a very friendly student dashboard as well.

Administrative Notes
Grades are due March 25 at 8am.

Positive Referral Link:

Work Order Request Form:

Some upcoming dates:
April 18: Prom (Chaperones needed)
April 30: Honor Breakfast (Top Decile)
May 17: Scholarship Banquet
May 18: Senior Picnic
May 26/27: Now sent in stone: Senior Exams
May 29 @ 6pm: Graduation

Some upcoming edcamps (opt-out credit can be earned):
May 9: Edcamp MetroDC (Potomac, MD)
April 18: Edcamp Delaware (Wilmington)

Still waiting for more info about Edcamp MetroDC and Edcamp95 (Virginia/Prince William maybe)

Worth Your Time
Finland schools: Subjects scrapped and replaced with 'topics' as country reforms its education system: An interesting artcle about reforms to Finland’s education system in which they are moving away from subject-based teaching

Image of the Week

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